Zachary Ramirez

Current Works

A D&D World to Help Populate the Page

I wrote in my About Me section that one of my hobbies in D&D. In the not so distant past, I made a world to host games of D&D in, which has been recorded in this blog. I consider it to be a relatively crude world, and I admit this even in the blog itself. While the project as a whole may have been rushed, I know I was able to make certain aspects of the world more to my liking as time went on. In short, I tried to make a unique world by drawing on various fantasy franchises as well as my understanding of historical settings.

A Project Remix

A link to my remix of the project we worked on in class.

Visual Storytelling Documentary (Fall 2019)

Found here is a documentary I helped create in visual storytelling last semester. A project by myself and Hayley Everts, now an alumna of Texas State University, we tracked down the art of San Marcos, and tried to learn what it said about the city. We spent quite some time on this project between the interviews, editing, and tracking down that single butterfly cat, and I like to think our final project here speaks to that.

Contact Me

You can reach me by email at:


by phone at 210-649-6850